Thursday, February 7, 2013

made caned food mix

Four weeks or so ago I made a caned food mix. Got the wet dog food and had caned pumpkin and mackerel so I mixed the three caned items and few other things to extend it.

The mix made four weeks worth of kibble topper for Bella Saya got it as a yummy snack.
I cooked some parsley and ground it once it was done.

Then I got three ground deer patties, chicken hearts, two pieces beef heart, and two beef kidneys
Mixed the caned stuff and parsley. yummy.
Cooked four eggs then once cooked I ground the eggs up and tossed the shells into the compost bucket.
Finished product also added a bit of blueberries in it too. Saya and Bella love blueberries.

Saya and Bella loved the stuff.

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