Monday, February 24, 2014

second hare today order

Again haven't posted in while seems like either something chaotic happening or just don't feel up to posting something or too busy.

Anyways I had ordered some yummy stuff from hare today. Luckily it's close enough it comes in good time. This is second time ordering from them first time I did a variety of items. It was nice to try the different things.

This time I only ordered three different things. Whole herring, whole sardines and quail.

The fish I bought four of them each and quail six. Fish is 2lbs so good bit of fish. Quail is 8 per bag so not bad.

Saya loves fish never had whole raw sardines or herring before she has had canned sardines.

She loved the quail from last time I got it. It has shipped today and should be here sometime in Wednesday or any day after that.

I also ordered 2lb back of ziwipeak had coupon so got free shipping and 20% off had order a bit extra stuff to get the free shipping. I got a 5lb bag of kibble to use as training treats.

I'll write more as things come.

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